Friday 14 December 2012

Project 4 Stage 2 Ex 3

Focus on colour

This was my starting image.  I've really enjoyed working with these bright colours and I wanted to prolong it a bit.

Dry media
Felt tip and soft pastels
I inverted the colours - what had been black became red or yellow.  I encouraged some smudging and I'm surprised how dense the pastels are.  The yellow is particularly crisp; I love it.

Wet media
Acrylic paint
I'm not so happy with this it doesn't seem to flow.  I wanted to encourage some mixing on the paper but only rarely did I manage it.  I was away from home when I did this and I'd taken the wrong brushes.  I think I might have changed brushes at home and got more movement.  What I wanted was lots of flicky motion from the end of the "comma".  Once again the introduction of the blue spoils things for me.

I took red and yellow origami paper and cut 2cm strips.  I then cut each strip into two long triangles and glued them onto paper.

I cut strips of varying width along the length of the paper then cut long triangles again.  This time I stuck them onto black card leaving a slim line of black showing between each triangle.  The red seemed to continue where I knew there was no red and both colours appeared to move.

I photocopied this and with the copy repeated the process.  I began by leaving no black spaces and gradually increasing them as I placed the pieces.

This second picture is most strange.  There wasn't the same amount of  movement as in the first try but the difference in the black spaces made the triangles appear to stand out from the page and slope upwards.

These last two pieces of work created so many optical effects it was quite surreal.

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